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Home School Link Worker (HSLW)


Sarah Kilminster, Home School Link Worker (HSLW) - Fitzwaryn 

My normal working hours are:

8.30am-3.30pm: Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays

10am-5pm: Tuesdays and Wednesdays


Call: 01235 764504/ 07485 909660

HSLW Information

I am committed to being there for our children and families and helping with any concerns you may have or support you might need, both at home and in school. I can:

  • Enable parents and children to discuss concerns or worries in a safe and secure environment.
  • Support families reacting to change, such as parental separation or bereavement.
  • Assist parents/carers whose children are reluctant to attend school or have been excluded.
  • Help and support parents /carers on a wide range of issues or difficulties impacting on their family life. For example, illness, domestic abuse, disability, financial difficulties and much more.
  • Offer parenting guidance and support and parenting courses.
  • Help families and children to access services, resources, and local community information.
  • Offer support at school meetings.
  • Liaise with outside agencies, for example: School Health Nurse, CAHMS, Health Visitors, GPs, Family Help, Social Care, plus many more and can signpost/refer parents/carers/children to these agencies if needed.
  • Help to fill out forms such as: Free School Meals, Home to School Transport Applications, Disability Living Allowance (DLA) etc.


Please feel free to approach me at school. I will sometimes be around outside during drop off and pick up times, but you can also come and ask for me at reception too.

By attending one of our monthly coffee mornings (on the last Friday of each month from 10-11.30am in the Student Centre) or at parents’ evenings at which I will mostly be present. Contact me by phone on 07485909660/ 01235 764504, e-mail me at

I aim to speak with you as soon as you need me to but am not always able to do this, so, please do e-mail, text me or leave me a voicemail and I will get back to you as soon as I can.







Fitzwaryn After School Clubs


FAAAZE Youth Group, Faringdon

Wednesday’s from 4-5.30pm, support staff from Fitzwaryn accompany students, age 13-19, attending FAAAZE. Transport is provided from Fitzwaryn to Faringdon and parents can either collect directly from FAAAZE or back at Fitzwaryn.

For more info, see our website: or contact Clair Taylor (OSLO, Fitzwaryn)



Beatbox Youth Group, King Alfred’s Academy, Wantage

Beatbox runs Thursday’s from 4-6pm, support staff from Fitzwaryn accompany students age 13-19 attending Beatbox and students are transported from Fitzwaryn after school on the minibus. All students need to be collected directly from Beatbox.

There is currently a waiting list for Beatbox and FAAAZE, please contact Clair Taylor for more details.