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Contact us


Main Office

Mrs Alison Brennan & Mrs Jo Evans

Address: Fitzwaryn School, Denchworth Road, Wantage, OXON, OX12 9ET

Email: office.7027@fitzwaryn.oxon.sch.uk

Phone Number:  01235 764504


Mrs Stephanie Coneboy

Email: office.7027@fitzwaryn.oxon.sch.uk

Phone Number:  01235 764504

Chair of Governing Body

Mr Wayne Tica

Email: office.7027@fitzwaryn.oxon.sch.uk

Phone Number:  01235 764504

The Propeller Academy Trust


We will provide any information on our school website as a paper copy to parents and carers free of charge. Please contact the main office, by phone, email, or in person.