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Therapeutic Support

At Fitzwaryn we believe that pupils learn best when they are happy. We want our pupils to have high self-esteem, so they can feel good about themselves, their world, and the contribution they make to it.

Therefore, we have developed The Tree House. A safe space where pupils feel a sense of belonging. From here we deliver interventions that support pupils with developing their awareness and understanding of emotions, understanding their strengths and qualities, and developing their self-identity and image.

In addition, we are delighted to be able to offer, Horticulture, Music and Rebound. You can learn more about all the interventions we have on offer below.

Drawing and Talking

Appropriate for: can be accessed at any age

Overview: for pupils who need to process emotional pain or trauma. Pupils can draw anything they choose and are encouraged to talk about feelings using story telling language to help them make sense of their internal world. This approach is less structured than ELSA and therefore may benefit pupils who are reluctant to talk directly about feelings and issues.


Overview: ELSA staff use techniques such as social and therapeutic stories, anger management and counselling skills. They support pupils with social and emotional learning. Sessions are pre-planned and provide a more structured approach than Drawing and Talking.

Music Therapy

Appropriate for: can be accessed by any age

Overview: Music Therapy is an established psychological clinical intervention, delivered by HCPC registered music therapists to help people whose lives have been affected by injury, illness or disability through supporting their psychological, emotional, cognitive, physical, communicative and social needs.

Music Therapists draw upon the innate qualities of music to support people of all ages and abilities and at all stages of life; from helping newborn babies develop healthy bonds with their parents, to offering vital, sensitive and compassionate palliative care at the end of life.

Rebound Therapy

Appropriate for: All

Overview: the phrase that describes a specific model of trampoline therapy: - exercise therapy which uses a full-sized trampoline to provide opportunities for movement, therapeutic exercise and recreation for people across virtually the whole spectrum of special needs. Rebound Therapy can provide a huge number of potential benefits.

Lego Therapy

Appropriate for: all ages

Group size: 3-4 pupils

Overview: designed for pupils on the autistic spectrum who need extra support to develop social communication. It can improve and develop language skills, communication skills, social skills, and emotional and behavioural responses.

Horticulture Therapy

Appropriate for: all ages

Overview: can be delivered on a 1:1 basis and with small groups. Horticultural therapy supports pupil’s emotional health and well-being. It can be used to develop physical and social skills as well as communication and independence.


Therapy: Lower Aspens

Appropriate for: KS 1 & 2

Group size: 4 pupils

Overview: based on the work of Alex Kelly’s TalkAbout Resource these groups are designed to support pupils with developing their self-esteem and confidence. Self-esteem is the value pupils place upon themselves. Examples of Topics that can be covered are listed below but these will be adapted based on the individual needs of the pupils within the group.


Therapy: Upper Aspens- developing social and emotional communication skills for teenagers

Appropriate for: KS 3, 4 & Student Centre

Group size: 4 pupils

Overview: based on the work of Alex Kelly’s TalkAbout Resource these groups are designed to support pupils with becoming socially competent adults. This is a hierarchical approach meaning basic skills are taught first and more complex stills last. Therefore, children are able to start at a level that is appropriate to their needs.